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New crossing on Eschersheimer Landstraße at Sinaipark was released

24.11.2022 | 14:17 Clock | Service
New crossing on Eschersheimer Landstraße at Sinaipark was released

Frankfurt's streets are to be made safer especially for people who travel on foot or by bicycle. In addition to wider, clearly marked bike lanes, crossings on particularly busy streets are among the measures to ensure greater safety. After opening a new, barrier-free crossing at Dornbusch just a few days ago, the city of Frankfurt am Main has now also opened the new crossing at the height of Sinaipark for pedestrian and bicycle traffic.

The connection leads safely across the roadways and the subway tracks. Pedestrians and cyclists thus reach the Klimsch facility by the shortest route, regulated by a traffic light system. "Until now, pedestrian and bicycle traffic was routed via the crosswalk at Fritz-Tarnow-Strasse - for those affected, this was an unsatisfactory detour. With the new construction, the green spaces Sinaipark and Klimsch-Anlage are now meaningfully connected. That is an essential element of the connection 'Green Ypsilon' in the context of the promotion project 'Future Urban Green'", says mobility department head Stefan Majer.

The new crossing at the height of the Sinaipark is a safe crossing for pedestrian and bicycle traffic and at the same time takes into account the high traffic load of the Eschersheimer Landstraße. Thus, a lane width of six meters in each direction of travel remains in place. A so-called Z-crossing was built - that is, the crossing resembles the letter Z when viewed from an aerial perspective. This design serves to increase safety for pedestrians and cyclists, because it creates visual contact with approaching subway trains before they enter the tracks. Just as at the Am Dornbusch/Marbachweg intersection, the crosswalk here is regulated by traffic lights.

For the project, areas are eliminated from the parking bay to the west, as are small areas on the edge of Sinaipark. Trees will remain in the area as part of a green connection. The footprint of the crossing is also adequate for bicycle traffic. As a replacement for the omitted short-term parking spaces in the area of the Klimsch plant, four equivalent parking spaces are marked for the affected retail businesses from the height of house number 381 towards the city.

The total cost for the crossing at the level of Am Dornbusch/Marbachweg is 1.25 million euros, for the crossing at the level of Sinaipark/Klimsch-Anlage 1.53 million euros. The state of Hesse is subsidizing both measures through the Nahmobilität funding program with a total of around 713,000 euros.

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