(ffm) After extensive repair work on the main water pipe, the outdoor pool in Bergen-Enkheim can reopen on Sunday, July 1.
Due to a burst pipe, the outdoor pool was unable to open as planned on April 28. The main water pipe, which is still 400 millimetres in diameter, ruptured over a total length of 60 metres directly under the indoor pool building. This made the repair work considerably more difficult. Initially, the BäderBetriebe Frankfurt feared that, due to the extent of the damage, the outdoor pool would not be able to open for the season.
"We are glad that we will be able to open the pool for the summer holidays after all. Fortunately, the damage was detected early, so a washout under the indoor pool, which would have further complicated the repair work, could be avoided," said general manager Frank Mueller.
The outdoor pool will be open again daily from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. starting Sunday, July 1.
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