Frankfurt is a very versatile city. This also applies to the many little oases and places where you can escape from everyday life, relax or enjoy a touch of foreign cultures. It is all the sadder when such places are wantonly damaged or even destroyed - as has now happened in the Koranic Garden at Grüneburgpark:
Frankfurt (ots) - (em) In the night from Sunday (30.04.2017) to Monday (01.05.2017) there were a total of three fires in the districts of Nordend and Westend. Among other things, a pavilion in the Korean Garden in Grüneburgpark was on fire. Around 03:50, one of the two pavilions caught fire and was destroyed. The fire brigade was able to extinguish the fire. Fortunately, no one was injured. The damage to the pavilion is estimated at several thousand euros. The Frankfurt criminal investigation department is looking for witnesses. Any relevant information can be obtained by calling 069/755-53111