After a record number of visitors last year and the successful exhibition of "sternBilder", the caricatura museum is once again dedicating its latest presentation to an outstanding artist. This time it is the multi-award-winning cartoonist Ari Plikat who will make visitors to the museum laugh with his charmingly insane figures, delightful puns and wicked punchlines. Plikat's drawings are crude, deliberately appearing as if they were "thrown down lightly." F.E. Bernstein described Plikat's style with a wink as "the antithesis of Art Nouveau". But if you look more closely, you'll notice that the graphic design graduate never loses sight of the details.
In his works, which are regularly published in the TAZ, TITANIC, FAZ, Stern or Spiegel online, Plikat leaves no subject untouched. For the time being, he knows no taboos. But he does not simply want to provoke. He wants to take a humorously revealing look at our society, at our everyday lives, but also at politics, which should be one thing above all: funny. And he succeeds in this again and again in his very own, special way.
That is quite sometimes crude, silly, vulgar, nasty and politically incorrect. But it is precisely because he does not adhere to conventions and makes fun of them that the cartoons work so well. In the largest presentation of his work to date, which museum director Achim Frenz has described with his usual modesty as "the most beautiful exhibition in the world in the most beautiful museum in the world," works from his nearly 30-year career as a cartoonist are on view, as well as completely new cartoons. There are also sketches, postcards, numerous "Pappenheimer" and two sculptures. Thematically, the entire spectrum is also covered. Whether death, sex, animals, religion, politics or even vampires - here really everyone and everything gets his fat away.
The exhibition thus offers a good look at the broad spectrum of Ari Plikat's work and thus makes it absolutely understandable why he has received such awards as the Sondermann für Komische Kunst (2010) or the Deutscher Karikaturenpreis in Silber (2006). If you like Ari Plikat's very special style or generally enjoy laughing at taboo comic art, you shouldn't miss the exhibition, which is on view until July 23.
To coincide with the exhibition, a new book of cartoons by Ari Plikat has also been published by Lappan Verlag. Many of the works on display at the caricatura museum can also be found in "Das ist mein Hip Hop!", which is why the book, which is also available in the museum shop, is the perfect complement to a visit to the exhibition.
<link https: veranstaltungen s event ari-plikat.html _blank>You can find more info about the exhibition HERE in our calendar of events