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The GRÜNWÄRTS Festival - Frankfurt celebrates sustainability

06.06.2018 | 08:57 Clock | Citywhispers
The GRÜNWÄRTS Festival - Frankfurt celebrates sustainability

On Sunday, 10. June 2018, 12 to 7 pm on Franziusplatz at the Osthafenmole in Frankfurt am Main

Opening evening with KLAK bicycle cinema: on Saturday, 9 June from 8 pm (film starts at approx. 9:30 pm)

Now it's time to pedal and bring your own reusable cup: At the GRÜNWÄRTS Festival on June 10, sustainability will be celebrated for one day from 12 to 7 pm at the Osthafenmole in Frankfurt am Main! Taking part will be a variety of initiatives, exhibitors, actions and music, all of which are committed to a green, climate-friendly and sustainable Frankfurt.

The GREENWARDS Festival is jointly organized by PIER F and Transition Town Frankfurt, who are merging their activities, the PIER Festival and the Wandeltag, for the first time. It aims to show that everyone can do something every day for a healthier and more livable environment!

From collaborative living, health-oriented building and new energy concepts to climate-friendly nutrition, vegan cosmetics, green finance and sharing culture: there's a lot to discover at the GREENWARDS Festival! The girls and boys from ShoutOutLoud, supported by refugees from the ASB transitional shelter Nied, will show how to prepare delicious meals from rescued food. In addition, there will be other treats such as coffee and cake, baked with much love by our numerous helpers. In addition: Being sustainably beautiful - who doesn't want that? Ringana and Velan Skincare show how it's done!

There will also be something on offer in terms of New Energies and Fair Finances. If you want to know more about community-powered photovoltaic systems, just drop by the Sonneninitiative's Citizen Solar Power Plant booth. Harvesting solar power has never been so sociable! Highlights are definitely Zinipi, the Tiny House made of pine wood, which can be designed highly individually in modular construction and completely without glue and nails. The financial institutions of the Fair Finance Network Frankfurt, in which the Evangelische Bank, the GLS Gemeinschaftsbank, Triodos Bank and Oikocredit Förderkreis Hessen-Pfalz have joined forces, offer "clean" business in the conviction that a sustainable financial sector contributes to a fairer world. In concrete terms, we will introduce an alternative currency at the GRÜNWÄRTS Festival - let us surprise you!

To your ears there will be music by Jazz'ens for the Planet from Brazil as well as singer-songwriters Christian Bösel, Matthias Baumgart with April King and Julakim. For all dance lovers and jokers there will also be a swing crash course and a clown nature taster workshop. The Freie Schule Frankfurt will take care of the little ones with a children's program.

On the evening before, June 9, the KLAK bicycle cinema from Freiburg will be providing even more movement: starting at 8 p.m., pedal to the metal on Franziusplatz at the kick-off of the GRÜNWÄRTS FESTIVAL to generate your own energy for the short climate films by young directors (film not until dark, around 9:30 p.m.).

The GRÜNWÄRTS FESTIVAL would like to thank all helpers, supporters and sponsors, especially Architektur im Dialog, Frankfurter Entsorgungs- und Service GmbH (FES), Fair Finance Network, Velan Skincare and Frankfurt Green City.


Music will be provided by Jazz'ens for the Planet from Brazil, Christian Bösel, Matthias Baumgart, Julakim and many more.

Roodle singing with Susanne Paschke

Lectures in the Green Salon at PIER F

14.00 hrs - 14.20 hrs Trees come to town - Ecological and healthy building with solid wood with Natascha Hempel

15.00 hrs - 16.00 hrs Solar Club

16.30 hrs - 17.30 hrs Corinna Schwemer - Clown Nature Taster Workshop

17.30 hrs - 18.00 Uhr Schnuppertanzen (Lindy Hop) mit Birgit Schaarschmidt

Opening evening on 9 June at 8 pm: KLAK Fahrradkino from Freiburg shows environmental films (film starts at approx. 21:30) You can find the programme at: <link http: _blank>

You can also find more about the festival at: <link https: gruenwaerts _blank>

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