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All information about Frankfurt's national holiday: Wäldchestag over Whitsun

16.05.2024 | 19:10 Clock | Favorite places
All information about Frankfurt's national holiday: Wäldchestag over Whitsun

Wäldchestag - Tuesday after Whitsun - remains the most important holiday for Frankfurters - even though most stores have been open all day for some time now. Just a few years ago, all Frankfurters were released from 1 pm at the latest to celebrate Wäldchestag at the Oberforsthaus in the city forest. Even though this wonderful tradition is unfortunately a thing of the past, the people of Frankfurt don't let it spoil their desire to celebrate. Once again this year, the enormous variety of gastronomic offerings (over 50 businesses offer their delicacies), rides such as the Giant Ferris Wheel 45 from the Munich Oktoberfest or the Devil Rock Carousel, stalls and music on 4 stages for all tastes testify to this.

A total of around 120 stands invite visitors to visit this traditional folk festival from May 17 to 21.

New this year: Frankfurt Wäldchestag Tour On May 18, 19 and 21, there will be a Wäldchestag Tour. The 1.5-hour tour presents Wäldchestag and its history with a historical tour, facts about the Ferris wheel including a free ride and a drink as well as a bag of almonds. For more information, visit

Opening times:
Friday: 17.00 - 01.00
Saturday: 12.00 - 01.00 h
Sunday: 12.00 - 01.00 h
Monday: 12.00 - 00.00 h
Tuesday: 12.00 - 00.00 h

To arrive stress-free, Tourismus + Congress GmbH Frankfurt recommends using public transportation. Due to the Eintracht Frankfurt home game taking place at the same time in Deutsche Bank Park on Saturday, May 18, there will be restrictions on parking.

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