In view of the sharp rise in the seven-day incidence of currently 176.1, Lord Mayor Peter Feldmann and Head of Health Stefan Majer have decided to bring forward the meeting of the administrative staff, which was actually scheduled for Tuesday. They met as early as this Saturday afternoon to discuss further measures to curb the Corona infections. "The situation is serious. We agree with the county that we need to respond to this quickly," Feldmann and Majer said.
"The virus is an invisible enemy. It's pissing us all off. Only by sticking together can we manage to secure a bit of normalcy that we all want. I expect everyone to be considerate of the special risk groups. All measures serve to protect human lives," Feldmann explained.
"With the decisions made now, we have weighed what we need to do to protect our population and how far we can justify interventions in public life to do so," Mayor Becker said.
"The full-time magistrate members discussed the current infection situation on Saturday and proposed further tightened measures to the administrative staff for a decision," explained Health Director Majer, who also heads the administrative staff. "In close coordination with the state and oriented to regionally uniform measures, we are consistently pursuing our path in combating the pandemic. I urge all citizens to continue and even more intensively take countermeasures together with us to avert even further restrictions and prevent a dramatic increase in severe cases and rising death tolls."
The meeting therefore adopted the following measures
contact restrictions
- Stays in public spaces shall be allowed only alone or in groups of not more than five persons from not more than two households or with members of one's own household
Expansion of the mask obligation
- Mask obligation at all public events and in public facilities,
- Mask requirement in vehicles recommended when members of more than two households are riding.
- Mask obligation is extended to within the Alleenring and north of the railway line in Sachsenhausen. It is recommended that masks be worn throughout the city. If infection numbers continue to rise, a mask requirement for the entire city will be considered.
- Cancellation of Christmas market
Alcohol consumption ban
- The alcohol consumption ban in defined places, locations and facilities remains largely unchanged. Only within the curfew of 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. the ban applies in public spaces throughout the city.