Environmental department head Heilig asks all children and parents for understanding
With all schools and daycare centers in the state closed since Monday, the playground is a pleasant alternative to pass the time for many parents. But unfortunately, that is not the purpose of the closures. "Social distancing" must also apply to children if the spread of the coronavirus is to be successfully contained. For this reason, further measures have now been decided: "The federal and state governments have decided to close all playgrounds because of the dangers posed by the coronavirus. Of course, the Parks Department will immediately implement this decision and close all playgrounds", said Rosemarie Heilig, Head of the Environment Department, on. Starting today - Wednesday, March 18 - all municipal playgrounds and ball fields, all skate and roller sports facilities as well as the harbor park will remain closed until further notice.
The playgrounds will be locked or, if no fence is available, cordoned off with flutter tape. In addition, highly visible informational signs will indicate the closure. Parents and families are urged to abide by the closures for their own health protection and to alert children and youth to their necessity. "I know how inconvenient the closure will be for many, particularly those families who do not have their own green space around the house. The woodland play areas in particular were exceptionally full at the weekend. Nevertheless, I ask everyone to respect this order and especially to treat my employees from the green spaces office with understanding," Heilig added.
Not all green spaces are affected by the closure. But these places should not be stormed now, even if it is difficult: "The municipal parks, the Mainufer and the city forest remain open for recreation seekers for the time being. However, I would ask that the well-known recommendations regarding social contacts be observed there as well. Even though it will certainly be even more crowded there than usual. Those who are able to do so can now perhaps also explore our cycling and hiking paths in Frankfurt's GreenBelt to a greater extent. We will present some of the paths on the city's social channels in the next few days," Heilig said.