It may be too early to speak of a real turnaround in the pandemic. Foresight and consideration should continue to be observed. But the current infection figures do give cause for hope. The trend is clearly downwards, which is also reflected in a falling 7-day incidence. Frankfurt has also fallen below the critical value - on Saturday (22 May) it would be five days in a row. And that means the federal emergency brake would no longer apply here as of Whit Monday. This means numerous relaxations for private individuals, trade and sport.
A message that Lord Mayor Peter Feldmann is only too happy to share with the people of the city, because: "The additional freedoms are well deserved by the people of Frankfurt," said Feldmann and health department head Stefan Majer in a joint statement. "At the beginning of the month, the incidence in our city was still more than 180 and has since almost halved."
The regulations in force in Hesse are, after all, as we reported to you earlier, coming into force gradually.
In Frankfurt, the following stage 1 regulations would then come into force from Whit Monday:
- The curfew from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. will be dropped
- School classes for grades 1 through 6 are back in attendance and for older students (grades 7 through 11) in alternating classes. Graduating classes also have face-to-face instruction. Compulsory testing remains unchanged twice a week.
- With appropriate contact rules (two households plus vaccinated/genetics), amateur and recreational sports - except in swimming pools - are possible. Indoor sports, such as in gyms, are possible by appointment with contact data collection, for example via an app, and daily testing. Frankfurt's swimming pools will have to remain closed in Stage 1 for the time being.
- Cultural and leisure venues such as the zoo, museums and the Palmengarten will be able to open their outdoor areas without restrictions and indoor areas by appointment with access restrictions and hygiene concept.
- Events are possible outside with up to 100 participants without permission of the health department. However, convalescents and vaccinated persons are not counted here. A hygiene plan must be in place and participants must show a negative test result if they are not recovered or fully vaccinated.
- Outdoor restaurants and hotels may open with conditions. Guests must present a negative, daily test.
If infection numbers do not skyrocket as a result of the relaxations, but remain below 100 for 14 days (or 5 days below 50), then stage 2 kicks in with even more relaxations:
- Private meetings with two households plus vaccinated and recovered or ten people are possible.
- Schooling is available for all as face-to-face classes (restricted/adapted regular classes) with mandatory testing twice a week.
- Team sports are possible with conditions (recommended daily testing) and opening of swimming pools, thermal baths, saunas and similar facilities with person limitation and access regulation and appointment, also with testing recommendation.
- Opening of all shops with access restrictions and mask requirement.
The city of Frankfurt already meets all technical requirements to connect to the Luca app provided by the state of Hesse - the health department Frankfurt can use the app for contact tracing as soon as the activation by the provider is done.
"Personally, I am particularly pleased with the relaxations in the school sector," Feldmann said. "Children and young people have been hit particularly hard by the restrictions. But the opening of the outdoor gastronomy is also an important sign. A little more life is returning. Many - including me - have missed that in the past weeks and months."
"We are very pleased that the incidences in Frankfurt are constantly falling. This shows us that the measures taken to contain the pandemic are working. We thank all citizens for their discipline and prudence. Further steps towards normality are now possible," said Head of the Health Department Majer.
But one message must be very important: As nice as the first relaxations are and as much as we have earned them: We must not become too reckless now. "More freedom also means more responsibility. If we manage to keep the numbers down, we could soon see further relaxations," said the Lord Mayor.
Senior citizens and those who have been vaccinated have been exempt from many regulations since May 9; for example, they are no longer required to be tested before visiting a hairdresser. Citizens who tested positive for COVID-19 by PCR test and have recovered will receive their proof of recovery in the mail next week - the health department is currently preparing more than 36,000 letters. For everyone, however, the AHA rules still apply. Both the wearing of a mask and the distance requirement apply regardless of incidence numbers.
UPDATE of 05/21.2021:
For the Palmengarten the transition to stage 1 means facilitations in the admission of visitors. Thus, it is now only recommended to show a negative test.
However, it still applies that the Palm Garden offers visiting appointments in two time windows: from 9 am to 2 pm and from 2.30 pm to 7 pm respectively. Appointments will be made at the ticket office at the entrance on Palmengartenstraße; the entrance on Siesmayerstraße will remain closed. Likewise, guests will still need to fill out the contact tracking form. This can also be downloaded in advance at The mask requirement throughout the site also remains in effect for the time being. The corresponding city ordinance still applies.
As with the Palmengarten, the testing requirement is also waived at the Zoo if the incidence in Frankfurt remains below 100.Tickets are currently only available online. Two time slots can be booked: 9 to 14 or 14.30 to 19 clock. The entrance in Rhönstraße will remain closed until further notice. The contact details of all visitors must still be recorded. Also the mask obligation in the entire zoo area remains for the time being. Currently, all animal houses are still closed.
The Goetheturm remains closed.
You can find the incidence for Frankfurt updated daily at
You can find more information about the Hessian Step Model HERE