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Kino leuchtet - Arthouse Kinos Frankfurt participate in nationwide day of action

26.02.2021 | 14:36 Clock | Culture
Kino leuchtet - Arthouse Kinos Frankfurt participate in nationwide day of action

For months, the curtains in Germany's movie theaters have remained closed. So far, there is no opening perspective - but exactly this would be important for distributors to plan the release of potential crowd-pleasers, which would bring the cinemas visitors and thus financial relief. And that's increasingly important with each passing day in the lockdown. The AG Kino therefore calls on Sunday, 28.02.2021, nationwide for the action "Kino leuchtet". In Frankfurt, in addition to the cinema of the DFF, the Arthouse Cinemas Frankfurt also participate in the campaign - representative is the Harmonie in Sachsenhausen godfather for a small play of lights on Sunday evening between 19.00 - 21.00 clock.

The aim of the action is to set a sign for the closed cinemas in Germany, to create a joint visibility, towards your audience and politics! By a conspicuous illumination the cinemas should shine and show under the motto #kinoliebe and #zurückinskino that cinema-goers and spectators are eagerly waiting for a reopening in prospect - thus a clear appeal to politics to show a soon opening scenario. After all, cinemas are considered to be among the safest places due to fixed seat allocation and realistic hygiene concepts.

Cinema operators, employees, distributors, audiences - they all need at least a perspective. Of course, safety for patrons and staff must be paramount. But the opening in summer 2020 has shown that this can certainly be implemented and yet a relaxed cinema experience is possible. Therefore, even if contact reduction is still enormously important in view of rising infection figures and spreading mutations, it is now time to show cultural institutions such as cinemas, theatres and museums a clear perspective and to set a shining example for this. Because one thing is quite certain: #ohnekunstundkulturwirdsstill

For detailed information and a statement by AG-Gilde president Christian Bräuer, go to:

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