Lectures, talks, literature and music on Sunday at the Icon Museum
(kus) As part of the special exhibition "Beautiful Borders. Gitterwerke und Scherenschnitte" (Beautiful Borders. Lattice Works and Silhouettes) by Frankfurt artist Margarete Zahn at the Ikonen-Museum Frankfurt, lectures, talks, literature and music are on the program on Museum Day, March 12. The event begins at 2 pm. The lattice-like silhouettes have their models in Gothic or historicizing windows and ceilings of old architecture. In the process of creation, they serve as a base for the further elaboration of the large-format acrylic paintings, which Margarete Zahn calls grid works. The exhibition is on view through April 23.
The timed program sequence on Sunday
- from 2 pm: tea at the samovar
- 2.30 to 14.40: Piano - works by Johann Sebastian Bach and Alexander Scrjabin. At the grand piano: Boris Levantovich
- 2.40 to 3 p.m.: The Complicated View of the Sacred, Stefan Scholz, Haus am Dom. On the importance of the mystery of the sacred for being human in the profane.
3.10 to 3.20 p.m.: Piano - Works by Bach and Scriabin. At the grand piano: Boris Lewantowitsch
3.20 to 3.40 p.m.: Dream lattices, Prof. Dr. August Heuser, Director of the Dommuseum Frankfurt a.D. The silhouettes with their repeat-like detailed patterns are reminiscent of oriental lattices or also the lattices of the Art Nouveau.
Until 4.30 p.m.: Tea break at the samovar
4.30 to 4.40 p.m.: Piano - works by Bach and Scrjabin. At the grand piano: Boris Levantovich
4.40 to 5.10 p.m.: Linguistic and other grids, Prof. Dr. Heiner Boehncke, author and literary scholar. Taking Paul Celan's poem "Sprachgitter" as his starting point, Boencke looks at grids in painting, architecture and other fields. It will be philosophical, associative, entertaining.
For more information, see <link http: www.ikonenmuseumfrankfurt.de index.php aktuell.html _blank>