As we reported to you earlier, the federal "emergency curfew," the Fourth Law for the Protection of the Population in the Event of an Epidemic Situation of National Significance, went into effect today, Friday. This means that special regulations automatically apply once a certain incidence value is reached.
So the law provides for the event that the number of new infections for three consecutive days exceeds the threshold of 100 new infections per 100.000 inhabitants and seven days (seven-day incidence), to prohibit the stay of persons outside a dwelling or accommodation and the respective pacified property belonging to it from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m.. The curfew then takes effect from the day after next.
In Frankfurt, the curfew already applies from Saturday, April 24, as the last three days before the law comes into force - in this case Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - are to be counted. The curfew will remain in effect until the seven-day incidence falls below the threshold of 100 for five consecutive days.
a) Averting a danger to life, limb or property, in particular a medical or veterinary emergency or other treatment that cannot be postponed medically,
b) exercise of a profession within the meaning of Article 12 (1) of the Basic Law, unless separately restricted, exercise of service or mandate, reporting by representatives of the press, radio, film and other media,
c) exercise of custody or access rights,
(d) the care of persons in need of support or minors, or the care of the dying,
(e) care of animals,
(f) similarly weighty and unjustifiable purposes,
g) outdoor physical activity conducted alone between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and midnight, but not in sports facilities.