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The Frankfurt people love their dinos - Senckenberg with the most museum visitors in 2017

25.01.2018 | 12:58 Clock | Favorite places
The Frankfurt people love their dinos - Senckenberg with the most museum visitors in 2017
The Senckenberg Naturmuseum has every reason to celebrate. First and foremost, of course, because of the 200th anniversary of the Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, which was celebrated, among other things, with a beautiful special exhibition (still on display until February) and honored by the city with a renaming of the Bockenheimer Warte subway stop. The visitor numbers are also celebratory: with 380,000 visitors in 2017, the Senckenberg Naturmuseum was the busiest museum in Frankfurt, ahead of the SCHIRN and the Städel. One reason for this, apart from the attractive exhibition offers and special events such as the big citizens' festival in November, is probably the fact that really all age groups are addressed here. Children love the dinoskeletons and other spectacular exhibits, adults feel transported back to their childhood here and realise from the many exciting discoveries to be made here that even as an adult you can still learn many new things. Currently, the special exhibition "Fascination of Diversity" is thrilling visitors. Until August, 1000 biological and geological objects from the Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung's collections of around 40 million objects (!) are on display. With interactive elements and a playful transfer of knowledge, this exhibition is an experience for young and old. In the next few years, the popular museum will become even more attractive. This is because work is being carried out at full speed to expand the exhibition area. Over the next five years, the exhibition area is to be almost doubled to 10,000sqm. Four new exhibition areas (Man - Earth - Cosmos - Future) will be created, offering visitors an exciting journey to the beginnings of mankind, the most exciting places on Earth and into the vastness of the universe, while addressing the question of how the future of our planet will develop. Till then, there are sure to be some great special exhibitions on display. And the great permanent exhibition also makes a significant contribution to ensuring that a visit to the Senckenberg Naturmuseum is always something very special - and not just for children! Find more info HERE

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