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The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region

Top-Tipps: Junggesellenabschied und Junggesellinnenabschied in Frankfurt & Rhein-Main

Irgendwann zwischen verlobt und verheiratet wartet auf Braut und Bräutigam in Spe noch ein unvergessliches Erlebnis: der Junggesellenabschied bzw. Junggesellinnenabschied! Das Motto lautet: Es noch mal richtig krachen lassen, bevor die Hochzeitsglocken läuten. Für alle Trauzeugen und Trauzeuginnen, die die dankbare Aufgabe haben, sich für diesen Tag ein Programm auszudenken, bieten wir hier ein paar Anregungen: Verbringt den Junggesellenabschied doch in Frankfurt! Schließlich kann die Messestadt mit einer attraktiven Lage für Tagesgäste und Wochenendurlauber, sowie mit viel gelebter Toleranz und Weltoffenheit punkten. Kein Wunder also, dass immer mehr Planer von Junggesellenabschieden die Mainmetropole mit ihrer imposanten Skyline-Kulisse und der gastfreundlichen Apfelwein-Kultur für sich entdecken.

Party boat
Painting Parties Frankfurt
Trampoline Park 360jump
School Bus
Ebbelwei Express
Oberbayern Frankfurt

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Party boat

You treat yourself to nothing else: Breathlessly it goes in the speedboat over the Main. Motorsport enthusiasts, luxury cuties and adrenaline junkies are exactly right here. At breakneck speed, you're off down the Main. It's not quite the same with the hair, but who cares when Miami Vice, Baywatch and Hangover II are the motto of the bachelor party. And this view of the skyline - priceless!

The Frankfurt Captain Franky offers bachelorettes and bachelors a very special way to celebrate the soon-to-be start of married life: JGA boat tours with the party boat. After the disappointment of his own bachelor party in Frankfurt in 2010, Captain Franky founded his own company with which he now offers these boat tours. In addition, on his website Partyboot, he gives valuable insider tips on the subject of stag parties, warns of the top JGA planning mistakes and reveals why a good supporting programme is so enormously important for the suspense of a well-done stag party event. Stag parties are very welcome at this provider. You can bring your own drinks, fridge, toilet and stereo are available.

Painting Parties Frankfurt

Under the motto "Anyone can paint", a concept as simple as it is ingenious is offered here: At the Painting Parties, participants create their own version of a given painting, such as a Buddha figure, a flower or a starry night over Frankfurt, under the guidance of local artists in a convivial atmosphere. It doesn't matter if you have any previous experience. It's all about fun, creativity and socialising. And the everyday working atmosphere can benefit from that as well.

Trampoline Park 360jump

Hops, jumps and somersaults - at the bachelor party there is finally something to celebrate. Whether exuberant solo jumps or team games, here you can once again really take off. A visit to the trampoline park is just the thing to start off a hilarious JGA tour. In Frankfurt and the surrounding area for example in the trampoline park 360jump.

School Bus

Don't worry, this School Bus won't get you detention! Rent a cool yellow US School Bus that has been converted into a one-of-a-kind party venue. A real eye-catcher, not only from the outside. The atmospheric interior also creates a party mood. Perfect if you are a big group, because the buses offer space for up to 26 people. That should be enough or?

Ebbelwei Express

A ride on the legendary Ebbelwei Express - if that's not a JGA you can only experience in Frankfurt! Roar with the whole troop in the colorful train through the city, enjoy the view of different sides of the city and treat yourself to a bottle or two of Ebbelwei pure or spritzed. More Frankfurt does not really go.

Recording Studio

What goes for Vegas doesn't go for a bachelor*s farewell at the recording studio. What happens there doesn't stay there. You may take the result home pressed on CD (no matter how good or how weird it may sound) and put the record on again and again when you want to remember your JGA: the best times with the very best friends. Sing your heart out together and make sure you have a truly unique memory!


The karaoke club in Frankfurt offers a lot of fun for every JGA. From no less than 70,000 karaoke songs you can choose your favorites and prove that a real superstar is inside you. Well, maybe not - but even if you don't hit the right notes, good mood is guaranteed here. If you're looking for a party location that offers more than cool drinks and danceable beats, you should definitely stop here on your JGA tour.

Oberbayern Frankfurt

At Oberbayern Frankfurt, bride and groom along with their entourage are welcome guests: Admission is free for you! Of course, this is not the only reason that makes the Oberbayern a popular JGA location. Because you can also expect an extremely good atmosphere, which is in no way inferior to that at Ballermann and on various Aprés ski huts.