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The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region
March 2025
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Frankfurts Einkaufsstraßen - Top-Tipps

Shoppen jenseits der Zeil

Die Zeil ist eine der höchstfrequentierten Einkaufsstraßen Deutschlands. Mit 14.390 gezählten Besuchern pro Stunde zwischen den zentralen Plätzen Hauptwache und Konstablerwache belegte die Zeil im vergangenen Jahr sogar Platz 1 im deutschlandweiten Ranking. Kein Wunder also, dass Jeder, der bei Frankfurt an Shopping denkt, auch automatisch an die traditionsreiche Einkaufsmeile denkt. Doch es gibt noch etliche andere Ecken in Frankfurt, die ein vielseitiges Einkaufsangebot offerieren. Wir stellen Euch hier einige besonders schöne Einkaufsstraßen der Stadt vor.

Schweizer Straße
Leipziger Straße
Berger Straße

Schweizer Straße

In Sachsenhausen, Schweizer Straße attracts visitors with a lively mix of small design shops, department stores, drugstores, bookstores and second hand. Side trips into the side streets are also recommended here. You will find something nice for the little ones as well as for the next dinner at home or for a relaxing Sunday on the sofa. The nearby Museumsufer also offers a cultural complement to the shopping tour. And when the feet get heavy, various apple wine taverns offer the perfect refuge.


If you like exclusive shopping, you can't miss Goethestraße. Here there is pure luxury. In addition to Prada, Dior, Cartier and Co., a real traditional company is also represented here with Parfümerie Albrecht, where even Goethe is said to have shopped. The fashion house Pfüller also stands for Frankfurt family tradition and is represented in the street with two high-quality shops. On the parallel running Freßgass there are then some nice opportunities to get the necessary strengthening for shopping with a coffee, delicatessen specialties or various culinary offers.

Leipziger Straße

A lot has happened on Leipziger in recent years. The shopping street in Bockenheim impresses with a colorful mix of multicultural grocery stores, designer stores and fancy stores. With the cheese store Leipziger 34 you will also find one of the best cheese stores in the city. Especially worthwhile is a look into the picturesque backyards, where some stores are also hiding. And also the Zalando Outlet attracts with great bargains to the Bockenheimer shopping mile.


This little corner in Sachsenhausen has developed into one of the most creative places in the city in recent years. Numerous manufactories have settled here, offering individual and unusual things. You can buy gifts, fashion, homemade or second-hand goods here. There is a crime bookshop, specialities from Portugal, exquisite whisky, a comic bookshop and delicious tartes. And if you love cider, you can stop by Jens Becker's cider shop after your shopping tour.

Berger Straße

Many Frankfurt residents consider Berger Straße to be the most popular shopping street, as the shops here often have much more charm and individuality than the branches of large chains on the Zeil. From the traditional bookshop Ypsilon to home accessories and delicatessen to antiques, shoes or exquisite wines, you can find everything your shopping heart desires here. The weekly market at the clock tower, the Merianplatz as a central meeting place or the many gastronomic establishments in the upper part of the street make the Berger so beautiful and rightly so popular.