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The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region

Blumenläden in Frankfurt & Rhein-Main - Top-Tipps

"Vielen Dank, für die Blumen – Vielen Dank, wie lieb von Dir…" Schon Udo Jürgen wusste, was für eine nette Geste ein schöner Blumenstrauß sein kann. Ob zum Geburtstag, zur Genesung, als kleine Geste der Versöhnung oder einfach, um etwas Farbe in die eigenen vier Wände zu bringen, Blumen schaffen es eigentlich immer, dem/der Beschenkten ein Lächeln aufs Gesicht zu zaubern. In Frankfurt einen Blumenladen zu finden, ist an sich nicht schwer. Einen zu finden, der Qualität, faire Preise, individuelle Beratung und auch ausgefallene Gestecke bietet, ist schon etwas schwerer. Daher haben wir für Euch in diesem Special mal ein paar besonders gute Blumenläden in Frankfurt herausgesucht:

Blumengalerie Frankfurt
Blumen Tugba
Blumenhaus Italia
Kleine Blütengalerie
Kraut und Rosen


In Meisengasse, near the Börse parking garage, the team at Priewe makes floral dreams come true. Small and large bouquets, flower arrangements for various occasions - always designed with passion and professionalism and always something very special. Or have you ever seen a flower handbag?

Blumengalerie Frankfurt

Barbara Halbig's flower gallery offers taste and quality in a central location on Schweizer Straße. Whether it should be the classic bouquet or whether it may be a more unusual composition, the competent team in this traditional shop always creates the right floral dream according to your wishes.


If you're looking for beautiful flowers and matching vases on Berger Street, stop by this charming shop. Artful arrangements and beautiful bouquets are put together here with great expertise according to individual wishes. If you are willing to pay a little more for first-class quality, you will really experience a real blossom dream here.

Blumen Tugba

In Niederrad you can even get beautiful flowers on Sunday, In a family atmosphere, individual bouquets and arrangements are created for every occasion from birthday to wedding to Valentine's Day. Particular emphasis is placed on the quality of the flowers, but also the cordiality towards the customers is not neglected.

Blumenhaus Italia

The flower shop in Frankfurt's Nordend is a friendly family business that scores points with a palpable love of floristry. Here you are not only advised and served extremely friendly, the beautiful arrangements and bouquets are also unbeatable in terms of price-performance ratio. Friendly, charming and high quality - a real top tip!

Kleine Blütengalerie

In the Kleine Blütengalerie on Bockenheimer Landstraße, the motto "Creative out of Passion" has applied for over 30 years. With a mixture of experience and curiosity, wonderful flower arrangements and bouquets are created here for every occasion. And the competent advice is of course included.

Kraut und Rosen

In Sachsenhausen, Kraut und Rosen has been one of the top addresses for exclusive floristry for 20 years. The team around owner and master florist Sabine Bauer-Hillmann focuses on individual advice and has made it their business to create real unique pieces for their customers. Whether for weddings, events or simply for home, here you get creative, individual flower creations.