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The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region

Grillshops und Grillzubehör in Frankfurt und Rhein-Main

In unserem großen Grill-Special haben wir Euch bereits verraten, wo Ihr in Frankfurt besonders gut grillen könnt. In diesem Special geben wir Euch nun auch noch Tipps, wo Ihr die passende Ausstattung für einen perfekten Grillabend finden könnt. Sicherlich: Handelsübliche Einweg- und Elektrogrills gibt es eigentlich in jedem gut sortierten Kaufhaus. Doch wer nicht nur beim Essen selbst, sondern auch schon beim richtigen Equipment Wert auf Qualität legt, der sollte sich an echte Grill-Profis wenden. Und die findet Ihr auf jeden Fall in diesen Läden in Frankfurt und dem Rhein-Main Gebiet:

OBI Frankfurt-Sachsenhausen
Grillfürst Rhein-Main
360° BBQ

OBI Frankfurt-Sachsenhausen

If you don't need advice from absolute barbecue professionals, but are still looking for a wide selection of barbecues in different price ranges, you're also in good hands at the DIY store. At OBI you will find a large selection of gas grills, charcoal grills, smokers and electric grills. Also suitable accessories such as grill brushes, grill cutlery, pizza stones, cover sleeves, lighting sets or thermometers are available here in large quantities. You can check the availability in the market online. It is also possible to reserve your desired product online and then pick it up at the store.

Grillfürst Rhein-Main

A great selection of the Grillfuerst.de range can be found at the Rhein-Main branch of Grillfürst in Gründau - around 40km from Frankfurt. More than 1,000 products from over 20 brand manufacturers are available in the store. In addition to high-quality grills - from coal grills to smokers and gas grills to electric grills - you can also find the right accessories here. Spice blends from "Klaus grillt", BBQ rubs and spices from Don Marcos BBQ, various barbecue thermometers or BBQ grill accessories from Moesta are just some of the high-quality products the store offers. In addition, the complete range of Napoleon grills and Broil King is also presented here to look at and experience. Important: The complete assortment of Grillfuerst.de can be ordered in this location.

360° BBQ

In Frankfurt, 360° BBQ is home to the largest specialist barbecue shop in the Rhine-Main area. And here you can really find everything you need for a successful barbecue evening. With the move to the Hanauer Landstr. the exhibition area has increased to 1,500 sqm. In addition to numerous barbecues, you can also find the right accessories, spices, sauces, specialist literature and more. And in the Grill Academy located here, barbecue courses are also offered on a regular basis, where you can learn everything from the basics to Hessian barbecue, the preparation of burgers or fish on the barbecue to American steakhouse culture and barbecueing in winter. If you love barbecue, you simply can't miss a visit to 360° BBQ.