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The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region

Unverpackt einkaufen in Frankfurt und Rhein-Main

Überall wird über Nachhaltigkeit gesprochen. Natürlich auch in Frankfurt. Ein wichtiges Thema dabei ist die Frage, wie man den stetig wachsenden Müllbergen in der Stadt begegnen kann. Bei dieser Diskussion ist es sehr wichtig, die Bürger mit einzubeziehen, um bei jedem Frankfurter und jeder Frankfurterin das Bewusstsein zu stärken, dass Jeder seinen Beitrag zum Kampf gegen den drohenden Klimawandel beitragen kann. Ein Weg, der immer beliebter wird, ist das Einkaufen unverpackter Ware. Das ist der beste Weg gegen die Verpackungsflut. In Frankfurt und der Rhein-Main Region gibt es mittlerweile einige Läden, in denen plastikfrei eingekauft werden kann. Einige dieser tollen Unverpackt-Geschäfte stellen wir Euch in diesem Special vor.

Natürlichfrei - unverpackt einkaufen
Unpacked Mainz
The Refill Shop
ULF un:verpackt!

Natürlichfrei - unverpackt einkaufen

Over 1000 food and non-food products you can buy at this unpackaged store in Mühlheim am Main. The offer ranges from cereals, pasta, rice, pulses, coffee, sweets to soaps and detergents. You can weigh out the amount you need yourself and then fill it into your own containers. You can also find another branch of "natürlichfrei" in Rodgau Nieder-Roden.

Unpacked Mainz

At this grocery store, you can buy almost exclusively organic products and fill them in their own containers. The versatile assortment includes about 1000 products such as flour, muesli, pasta, nuts, vinegar <x>ampersand</x> oils, dried fruits, tea or chocolate, but also detergents, solid shampoos as well as toothbrushes or toilet paper made of bamboo. Also recommended are the apple juice and honey directly from Mainz or organic wine from Lörzweiler.

The Refill Shop

In Bornheim, Christina Geier and Marlen Richter opened their unpackaged store at the end of 2019. Numerous food and items of daily use - from baking powder to BBQ sauce, liquid hand soap, coffee, cookies or flour to oil or shampoo - are available here. Great value is placed on regionally produced products and raw materials grown in Germany. Since February 2020, the Auffüllerei has also been a sustainability ambassador for the non-profit Frankfurt-based company "Lust auf besser leben".

ULF un:verpackt!

Claudia Nauth and her husband Matthias Krämer run "Ulf un:verpackt!", the unpackaged store in Frankfurt, at the Dom. In addition to loose food (mainly dry goods), you can also find cleaning products, drugstore items and lots of household helpers for a more sustainable, plastic-free shopping. Furthermore Ulf un:verpackt! is certified organic. 99% of the goods are organically grown or produced. But that's not all: Claudia Nauth and Matthias Krämer also want to help their customers take a closer look at their own consumer behaviour. So if you need tips and advice on sustainable shopping, ULF is the place to go. They are happy to take the time for an in-depth conversation and the customers sometimes advise each other.


"Gramm.genau" in Bornheim is both, an alternative Caf&eacute; with vegan cakes and a shop for plastic-free shopping. Franziska Geese, Jenny Fuhrmann and Christine Müller prove in their zero waste shop and Caf&eacute; in Bockenheim that it is also possible without waste. The goal: to offer an environmentally friendly shopping alternative that does without packaging right from the start and that also scores points with handmade vegan cakes, delicious bowls and a muesli station. You can also shop plastic-free in the online shop of Gramm.genau. Your order will be delivered climate-friendly by cargo bike. A great project and a charming feel-good place!