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The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region
Yoga & Pilates in Frankfurt & Rhein-Main

Yoga & Pilates in Frankfurt & Rhein-Main

Achtsamkeit, kontrollierte Bewegungen, Meditation und eine tiefe Atmung – Yoga hilft vom stressigen Alltag abzuschalten, das Körperbewusstsein zu schulen und Körper und Seele in Einklang zu bringen. Wer immer noch der Meinung ist Yoga sei kein Sport, der hat es noch nicht ausprobiert! Von ursprünglichen Yoga-Formen, wie dem Hatha, bei dem es  vor allem um langsame kontrollierte Bewegungen und Achtsamkeit geht, über fließende Bewegungen beim Vinyasa, bis hin zu kraftvollen und schweißtreibenden Einheiten – mittlerweile werden die unterschiedlichsten Varianten und Yogastile angeboten. Auch in Frankfurt gibt es dafür immer mehr ausgebildete Yoga-Lehrer und Studios, die euch die richtigen Techniken und Haltungen beibringen. Wem Yoga doch etwas zu spirituell ist, der kann auf die verwandte Pilates-Methode ausweichen. Diese wird in vielen Yoga- und Fitness-Studios unterrichtet – es gibt in Frankfurt aber auch eigens auf Pilates spezialisierte Studios. 

Um euch die Suche nach dem passenden Studio zu erleichtern, haben wir ein paar Yoga- & Pilates-Studios rausgesucht, die mit einem besonders breiten Kursangebot und vielen zufriedenen Kunden punkten können. Hier unsere Top-Tipps:

PilatesZone Frankfurt
The pilates studio
Balance Yoga Institute

PilatesZone Frankfurt

In PilatesZone in Frankfurt-Niederusel you train in individual, duet and group classes on the classic Pilates equipment and on the mat. The course schedule includes offerings for every level of difficulty - from beginner to advanced - as well as special post-pregnancy classes (with and without baby). In order to provide individual and qualified care, the maximum number of participants is four.

The pilates studio

Those who prefer classic Pilates workouts on the equipment and on the mat can attend the tower workouts at the pilates studio or participate in the Pilates studio's online mat workouts. All classes are held in German and/or English - depending on the needs of the participants. Individual and duet classes can also be booked.


In the modern jungle yoga studio in the West End you will be offered a very special atmosphere. Through lots of plants in the classroom, you will experience a yoga class in the indoor jungle and can perfectly escape from everyday life. In addition to classic yoga styles, the program also includes specially created classes (Black Panther). 5% of the studio's revenue is donated. Where to, you decide when buying your card itself.

ACHTUNG: Currently, a registration up to three hours before the start of the course is mandatory.


If you are looking for more traditional yoga classes, you will find them at Sakti Yoga - in Frankfurt's Nordend. Here there is a wide range of different yoga styles as well as certified prevention courses. All courses take place simultaneously in the studio and online. In the salon area tea, cookies, fruit and ginger water are ready for you and in winter as well as on cold, rainy days the underfloor heating ensures a cozy atmosphere in the studio.

Balance Yoga Institute

The Balance Yoga Studio in downtown Frankfurt offers three large classrooms in a stylish ambience. But there is also a Balance Yoga Studio in Dribbdebachs in Sachsenhausen, where a Bembel with the inscription "Namasté" greets you. In addition to several classic variations of yoga, they also offer Pilates classes and special yoga classes for pregnant women, as well as Baby & Me classes and business yoga flows. Classes take place either as studio classes, online live streaming or outdoor. In addition, there are also courses in English.


A modern, stylish and very spacious studio in the heart of Frankfurt's city, plus 50 different courses per week and a wide variety of offerings for beginners as well as advanced students - that's what Inside Yoga has to offer. A more modern style of yoga is practiced here, without traditional OMs and mantra chanting. Classes are categorized into different levels, and there are specials like kids' yoga, sunrise yoga, or aerial yoga (which involves acrobatic scarves hanging from the ceiling).

NOTE: Currently, you must pre-register online for all classes.