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The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region
Fitnessstudios in Frankfurt & Rhein-Main - Top-Tipps

Fitnessstudios in Frankfurt & Rhein-Main - Top-Tipps

Frankfurt hat den Grüngürtel und viele schöne Parks, in denen man sich durch Radfahren oder Joggen sportlich betätigen kann. Wer nicht so sehr auf Outdoor-Sport steht und noch mehr für Körper und Fitness machen möchte, der hat in einem der zahlreichen Fitnessstudios der Stadt die Möglichkeit dazu. Hier habt Ihr die Möglichkeit, individuell auf Euch zugeschnittene Übungsprogramme zu absolvieren und an verschiedensten Geräten Eure Fitness zu trainieren. Die große Auswahl an Fitness Clubs in Frankfurt macht es Euch zudem möglich, einen Anbieter zu finden, der genau Euren Anforderungen entspricht. Trainiert Ihr lieber ganz früh morgens oder besser doch am späten Abend. Braucht Ihr in der Trainingszeit eine Kinderbetreuung? Ist ein Pool wichtig für Euch? Vertraut Ihr eher einer großen Kette oder ist Euch ein familiäres Umfeld lieber? Ein paar wichtige Fitness-Adressen in Frankfurt haben wir hier für Euch zusammen gestellt:

Fast Forms
Fit Seven Eleven
Kieser Training
Fitness First
Prime Time Fitness

Fast Forms

Fast Forms' two studios focus on high-impact, full-body workouts. This is to be achieved through the use of Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS). Training is done in small groups or personal training for just 20 minutes per week. Back training and wellness are also writ large at Fast Forms.

Fit Seven Eleven

With over 50,000 members, one of the most successful providers in the Rhine-Main area. Endurance training in the modern Cardiopark, a challenging range of training and courses from Zumba & Pilates to YOGA courses, high-quality studio equipment with state-of-the-art equipment, trainer support and much more makes the clubs of Fit Seven Eleven so attractive.


Elements' three studios in Frankfurt, including the one at the new Henninger Turm, offer spacious workout areas, state-of-the-art equipment and wellness areas at 5-star level. Various courses such as Zumba, abdominal workout or Hatha Yoga can be taken up, as well as various wellness offers, nutritional advice or childcare.

Kieser Training

At Kieser Training, health-oriented strength training is the focus. Specialized machines, individual medical advice and professional guidance are designed to ensure particularly effective training sessions. In Frankfurt, this is possible in three studios.

Fitness First

Fitness First is one of the largest providers in Frankfurt. Various offers, from pool to roof terrace, make the studios extremely attractive. Especially interesting for women who like to work out undisturbed: Men are not allowed in the studio at Südbahnhof. In addition, many branches offer professional childcare at certain times. Whether with a trainer or without, alone or in a group, whether strength training or wellness, here you will find the right thing for your fitness needs.

Prime Time Fitness

PRIME TIME Fitness offers several studios in different parts of the city. In addition to standard offers, there are also special features at individual studios. In Bockenheim, for example, a square in front of the studio is used for outdoor group training when the weather is nice. In the Main Tower there is Rooftop Yoga with a unique view. And the Berger Straße studio has a swimming pool. Personal training, equipment-supported strength training and the highest level of comfort is offered in all studios.