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The Ultimate Event Guide for the FrankfurtRhineMain Metropolitan Region

Top-Tipps: Verlobungs- und Trauringe in Frankfurt & Rhein-Main - Top-Tipps

Die Hochzeit – für Viele der schönste und wichtigste Tag im Leben! Und damit alles perfekt wird, fängt die Planung schon früh an. Genauer gesagt mit der Wahl des richtigen Verlobungsrings, gefolgt mit der noch wichtigeren – aber auch schwierigeren – Suche nach dem idealen Trauring. Neben der Frage nach dem vorhandenen Budget muss natürlich auch entschieden werden, ob es eher ein klassisches Modell oder doch ein eher individueller Ring sein soll, ob er eher schlicht oder doch üppig mit Steinen besetzt sein muss. Bei der Beantwortung dieser Fragen können wir Euch natürlich nicht helfen. Aber wir können Euch ein paar Adressen empfehlen, wo Ihr mit etwas Glück Eure Ringe finden könnt, die Ihr Euch dann an Eurem großen Tag gegenseitig an den Ringfinger steckt. Schöne Ringe und eine fachgerechte Beratung bekommt Ihr bei:

Jewellery studio ORNATO
Meister Bauer Juweliere
Schmuck Birgit Pletzinger
Karin Lorenz Master Goldsmith
Niessing Frankfurt
Trauringschmiede Frankfurt
123gold wedding ring center
Hochzeitshaus Frankfurt Rhein-Main

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Jewellery studio ORNATO

The goldsmith and jewelry designer Cilmara de Oliveira offers in your own jewelry studio ORNATO the opportunity to create individual marriage and partnership rings of a special kind. After a conversation about your common history and your ideas, two to three proposals are created, from which you can then choose your favourite in the next step. At a third appointment the finished rings will be tried on and can then be taken home. Whether modern or extravagant, whether made of silver or gold, whether with or without stones - in any case your rings will be beautiful and very personal. This is guaranteed with the high craftsmanship of Cilmara de Oliveira.

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Directly on the Zeil in the heart of Frankfurt, there is the right ring for the most beautiful day in life for all lovers. In addition to partner and engagement rings, there is also a diverse selection of wedding rings here in classic yellow gold, fashionable white gold or red gold - all of course in the best quality, because CHRIST wedding rings are individually manufactured with the highest standards of material, fit and finish. There is a ring to suit every taste.

For an individual wedding ring consultation, an appointment can be made online.

Meister Bauer Juweliere

Over 1000 wedding rings made of gold, platinum, palladium - with and without diamonds - are available here. Also a variety of engagement rings are available in the extensive range. There is surely something suitable for you. In order to find it, there is of course also a detailed consultation on the material, fit and style of your desired rings. Online there are also wedding ring configurators to design your wedding rings according to your own ideas from home.

Schmuck Birgit Pletzinger

You want rings that not everyone has? You already have a very precise idea of how your wedding rings should look? Or you would like to get advice on how to concretize your still vague ideas? Then Birgit Pletzinger is the right contact person for you. She responds to your individual wishes and needs and thus creates rings for you that fit you and express your individuality.

Karin Lorenz Master Goldsmith

Here individuality is the main focus. And quite exclusively the probably most personal wedding ring is offered here at all: Gold or platinum rings with your own facial profile. That is truly unique. In her shop in Sachsenhausen, the master goldsmith also focuses on a detailed and individual consultation. A prior appointment is recommended!

Niessing Frankfurt

Since mid-2018, there has been a new address for high-quality engagement and wedding rings in downtown Frankfurt: Niessing wedding rings are supposed to be the perfect symbol for your love. You can find the right ring for you either through the detailed consultation on site, or through the Niessing wedding ring configurator, which allows you to play with shapes, colors, and surfaces until you find your favorite. Here, too, it is possible to request an appointment for a consultation online.

Trauringschmiede Frankfurt

In Sachenhausen you will find an incredible variety of exclusive wedding rings and engagement rings directly on the Main. All well-known manufacturers from the German-speaking countries are represented with their collections. If you still can't find the right ring, you can create the perfect wedding rings yourself using the wedding ring configurator. An appointment is uncomplicated online possible.

123gold wedding ring center

In the wedding ring center Bad Homburg you will find a very large selection of engagement and wedding rings. You can choose whether the rings should be made of gold - white gold, yellow gold, and various other gold alloys, or platinum and palladium. But the spacious shop scores not only with the large selection, but also with the detailed advice, for which you should make an appointment (especially on Saturdays and in the evening hours).

Hochzeitshaus Frankfurt Rhein-Main

Here you will not only find a large selection of wedding dresses and suits, but also many wonderful wedding rings. In the wedding ring lounge you will be introduced to the available assortment under professional advice. And if you don't find the right ring, you can also have your dream wedding rings custom-made. Our tip: It is best to make an appointment before your visit, then a relaxed consultation is guaranteed!